In November of 2022, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children contacted Sergeant Aubrey Richardson with the Jackson Police Department regarding an individual downloading child sexual abuse material in the Madison County area. Further investigation confirmed that child pornography was being downloaded to devices located at a residence in Jackson, Tennessee. Alex Lee Edwards, 36 years of age, was developed as a suspect.

On December 14, 2022, Sergeant Richardson working with other members of law enforcement executed a search warrant at the residence where the criminal activity was believed to have occurred. Upon entry into the residence, Alex Lee Edwards was located inside and officers seized numerous electronic devices.

Forensic examinations of the electronic devices revealed over 2,000 images that were identified as child sexual abuse material. Edwards was interviewed and gave a formal statement admitting to possessing files that were child sexual abuse material.

Edwards was subsequently indicted by the Madison County Grand Jury for 20 counts of Sexual Exploitation of a Minor, with each of the counts representing the possession of over 100 images of child pornography. On May 7, 2024, Edwards entered a guilty plea to all counts of the indictment and he was sentenced to serve 11 years without parole in the Tennessee Department of Correction. Additionally, Edwards was ordered to register with the Tennessee Sex Offender Registry.

“l appreciate the hard work of Assistant District Attorney General Matt Floyd who was able to achieve a portion of justice for the children depicted in the materials gathered by this defendant,” said District Attorney General Jody Pickens. “The detection and prosecution of those that view, seek out, and/or deal in child pornography is and will remain a priority of this office.”

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